Thursday, May 29, 2008

Training for the week so far.

Monday: 12.7 miles
A group of us (Steve Hawthorne , Wayne, and Jeff U.) met at Mark's house for a run around Aurora. Here is a synopsis of the discussion.
  • Wayne is old and slow (proposed by Mark, seconded by Steve)
  • Steve has not and will not qualify for Boston (proposed by Wayne, seconded by Mark)
  • Frank does not put in enough miles (proposed by Mark, seconded by Frank)
  • No one but Mark trains right (also proposed by Mark, seconded by Mark)
Tuesday: 8 miles with 3x1 mile intervals
As usual, Tuesday is speed work. I warmed-up with a slow 3 miles, followed by 3 x 1 mile intervals. I was disappointed with the times (5:57, 6:04, 6:02). I could blame the strong winds, but I believe it was my lack of full effort in the two slower miles. Next week, I resolve to keep all three miles in the 5:somethings.

Wednesday: 6 miles running, 27 miles biking
I ran an out and back from Kichler to Hillside Road (Towpath Museum). It was a sunny, slightly brisk day, and the valley looks beautiful this time of year. I rode my bike to work and back. It was a very cold morning (I think we dipped into the 30's), so I decided to take the short, direct route via Pettibone/Alexander/Pleasant Valley, which is about 10.5 miles. I started out at 5:45 AM , so there was very little traffic. Coming home, I left Kichler around 5:45 PM. The traffic that time of day is heavy along the direct route, so I turned north and went through the Bedford reservation. I avoided all the traffic, but had to add about six miles to the route as the path meanders through the metro parks all the way to Solon.


Wyatt sent an e-mail advising the group about a Runners Performance Health presentation at the Cleveland Clinic in Independence on June 9th at 6:00PM. I have registered and I hope some other SERC runners will do the same. The topics are:

Jack Andrish, MD, Orthopaedic Surgeon
Heather Nettle, MA, Exercise Physiologist
Basil Strasburg, Physical Therapist

Dr Andrish is himself an accomplished ultra-marathoner, and is well respected in the running community.


E-Speed said...

I think I am glad I opted for the trail run Monday. I don't want to be the topic of discussion with that crew for sure ;)

solarsquirrel said...

Frank - you CRACK ME UP! lol! Awesome post. I wish I could go to that running seminar, but I have class on M and W. :(

allanjel said...

I love love your blog and all the "art work"....especially STEVE HAWTHORNE's (I am plugging for him too :)!!!